
Our village is a vibrant and welcoming place with a rich history and a strong sense of community. Explore the sections below to learn more about our local businesses, churches, schools, events, parks & recreation, places of interest, and history.

Local Businesses

Bellaire is home to a diverse array of local businesses that contribute to the village’s unique character and economy. From charming boutiques to essential services, our businesses are integral to our community’s vitality.

Local Businesses


Our community is enriched by a variety of churches that offer spiritual support and foster a sense of belonging among residents. These places of worship play a crucial role in the social fabric of Bellaire.



Education is a cornerstone of our community. Bellaire is proud to have excellent schools that provide quality education and support the growth and development of our children.



Bellaire hosts numerous events throughout the year, bringing residents together to celebrate and enjoy community life. From seasonal festivals to local gatherings, there’s always something happening in Bellaire.

Upcoming Events

Parks & Recreation

Our parks and recreational facilities offer beautiful spaces for relaxation, sports, and family fun. Discover the various parks and recreational opportunities that Bellaire has to offer.

Parks & Recreation

Places of Interest

Bellaire boasts several places of interest that highlight the village’s charm and appeal. Whether you’re a resident or a visitor, there’s always something new to explore.

Places of Interest


The history of Bellaire is rich and fascinating, reflecting the journey of our community through the years. Learn about our historical landmarks, significant events, and how Bellaire has evolved.
